Tussockboard 2300x620x40mm


Our brand “Tussockboard” ™ The original solid LVL panels. They are finely sanded both faces (120 grit). Ideal for doors, furniture, benchtops, stair treads, shelves, internal lining.

2300 x 620 x 40mm

Plyguy – Delivering great value timber products to your door.

27 in stock

SKU: TUSS40/620/23 Category:


Our brand “Tussockboard” ™ The original solid LVL panels.

2300 x 620 x 40mm

This is a fantastic building product. We’ve taken LVL and edge laminated them into dead flat, very stable panels. These are made from 100% sustainable NZ Radiata pine grown in accordance with strict quality and environmental standards (ISO, FSC®). Interior use only.

They are finely sanded both faces (120 grit).You finish these with any standard product used for finishing solid wood surfaces eg polyurethanes, oils etc. Use for doors, furniture, benchtops, stair treads, shelves, internal lining.

Where else do you get solid wooden panels at such great value? Only at Plyguy!

Additional information

Weight 25.7 kg
Dimensions 2300 × 620 × 40 mm