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    Plyguy stocks a selection of specialty plywood, including Lite Poplar, V-groove and urethane finished Birch.

    Thumbnails Products Price Stock Quantity Total Buy Items View
    Plywood 2400x1200x12mm B/B UV Birch
    2400 x 1200 x 12mm - Untreated B/B Grade Birch plywood with polyurethane coating on both faces. For internal applications. Building Product Information Requirements - www.bbi.net.nz/products/blondeline/ PLYGUY - Delivering exceptional value plywood throughout NZ.

    55 in stock

    Plywood 2700x1200x12mm B/B UV Birch
    2700 x 1200 x 12mm - Untreated B/B Grade Birch plywood with polyurethane coating on both faces. For internal applications. Building Product Information Requirements - www.bbi.net.nz/products/blondeline/ PLYGUY - Delivering exceptional value plywood throughout NZ.

    41 in stock

    Plywood 2400x1200x18mm Lite Poplar B/B Grade
    2400 x 1200 x 18mm - Untreated Untreated, for interior use only. These are B/C grade and are absolutely beautiful. Amazing value from Plyguy.

    23 in stock

    Plywood 2400x1200x12mm H3.1 Premium Pine V-Groove
    2400 x 1200 x 12mm Treated H3.1 LOSP Grooves at 100mm centres, with a shiplap edge to for a seamless join. This plywood is non-structural, solid pine and finely sanded. Amazing value from Plyguy.

    23 in stock

    Plywood 2400x1200x12mm UT Premium Pine V-Groove
    2400 x 1200 x 12mm Untreated Grooves at 100mm centres, with a shiplap edge to for a seamless join. This plywood is non-structural, solid pine and finely sanded. Amazing value from Plyguy.

    16 in stock

    Plywood 2400x1200x12mm Lite Poplar B/C grade
    2400 x 1200 x 12mm - Untreated Untreated, for interior use only. These are B/C grade and are absolutely beautiful. Amazing value from Plyguy.

    71 in stock

    Plywood 2440x1220x4mm UT Bendy Ply Cross Grain
    Bendy Plywood 2440 x 1220 x 4mm Untreated Cross grain PLYGUY - we are a very low-cost operator in the provinces delivering exceptional value throughout NZ.

    15 in stock
